Vote now for Blogger’s Choice awards

Bloggers Choice Awards

TBYB! is very honored to be nominated for a Blogger’s Choice award in the Best Marketing Blog category. This competition is a great opportunity for a relatively new blog like Take Back Your Brain! to get wider exposure. If you’ve enjoyed reading these articles I would be most appreciative if you could take a few minutes to vote. Voting is open through October 19, 2007.

They’ve made the voting process pretty tricky to keep it honest. The upside of that is each person who manages to vote really helps a lot! Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Go to the Blogger’s Choice site and sign up for an account
  2. Wait for them to send you a confirmation email. If you don’t get the confirmation message right away check your spam or bulk folder.
  3. Click the link in that email message to confirm your account.
  4. Click Best Marketing Blog on the left side of the Blogger’s Choice screen.
  5. At the bottom of the Best Marketing Blog page, click on page 3. Or go directly to the page.
  6. Vote for by clicking on the yellow “Vote” button.

When you have voted the button will turn green and the counter will increment. You can check this page to make sure your vote was counted.

Thanks for your support!!

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