Author Archives: Lynn

Remind yourself to be present

The whole purpose of personal marketing is to devise ways to automatically remind ourselves of the things we want to think about. Most of the time I’ve oriented my ad campaigns toward thinking about things I want to do. This one is more focused on being, and it feels good.

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Pardon our dust

I’ve finally decided to quit waiting for a “good time” and just go for a site remodel. In a perfect world these changes would have occurred discreetly, behind the scenes, and been rolled out gracefully when they were ready for prime time. Hello, (imperfect) world!

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Dear Brain: How can personal marketing help me save money?

Dear Brain and three other bloggers answer the question, “How do I remind myself of the long-term value of saving money when something I want RIGHT NOW is begging to be bought?”

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Take back the Marketing Mix: The Four P’s

Product, Price, Place, and Promotion — known as the marketing mix — are the four classic variables a marketer controls in any exchange. Each contains opportunities to shape a proposition so well suited for the customer that selling it doesn’t require much persuasion, because it meets a genuine need in a way they want to do it. Commercial and social marketers pay a great deal of attention to each of these areas in order to craft attractive offers for you.

Why should personal marketing be any different? If you get the Four P’s right–especially the first three–iron-willed discipline is seldom necessary.

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Automate text messages with Serenitext

Serenitext is a service that sends you text messages at random times throughout the day. You can write your own messages or choose them from a list, then Serenitext delivers them to your cell phone or email address. I really like this service. It’s very easy to set up and use, and it works well.

Posted in Deliver your message, How to make ads | 4 Responses

10 easy ways to advertise to yourself

TBYB! wants to inspire you to DO personal marketing, because this stuff absolutely rocks your life. Here are ten very effective advertising techniques that you can implement in just a few minutes.

Posted in Deliver your message, How to make ads | Tagged | 3 Responses

Optimize your media input streams to support your goals

What you think about is what happens. Or at the very least is much, much more likely to happen than something you never think about at all. Your mind will receive a staggering number of messages in 2009 that you mostly have no control over. TBYB! suggests that you take a look at the input streams that you do control, to make sure their content is in alignment with your goals.

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Ask the readers: Which digital photo frame do you recommend?

A digital photo frame may be the perfect tool for delivering advertising to ourselves. What do you think? Which photo frame should I buy? If you have a digital photo frame what do you like about it? Are there any features you wish it had? Which one would you buy if you were going to get another photo frame today?

Posted in Deliver your message | 2 Responses

Rock 2009 with a New Year collage

Here’s an arts and crafts project that’s fun, powerful, and dare I say a reasonable alternative (or addition) to football for New Year’s day. You’ll be exposed to over a million commercial messages in 2009. As is true with so many of the techniques we use at Take Back Your Brain!, the New Year collage makes sure you are also reminded about the things you want to think about.

Posted in Deliver your message, How to make ads | 3 Responses

Winter Solstice


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