Author: Guest
Guest post: Find Authentic Happiness with personal marketing
This article demonstrates how to use one of the main ideas of Positive Psychology–your strengths–to generate ideas for ads designed to make you happier.
Guest post: How to deliver tagged Flickr photos to your desktop with the Google Photos Gadget
This is a technique I had not tried before, and I really like it. For starters, it’s dead easy. Once I set up a theme feed other people literally do all of the work. You’ve gotta love that! Another great thing is that variety and novelty are built in. For example, I currently have photos…
Guest post: How to use Flickr to find pictures for your ads
TBYB! thanks Lise of Frugal in the Fruitlands for writing this excellent two-part tutorial about how to use Flickr photos to illustrate your ads. In this first installment, she walks you through the process of locating and downloading images about your topic. Those of you who are working on a New Year collage should find…